CCNP Security 642-618 Practice Exam (36-40)

By default, how does a Cisco ASA appliance process IP fragments?
A. Each fragment passes through the Cisco ASA appliance without any inspections.
B. Each fragment is blocked by the Cisco ASA appliance.
C. The Cisco ASA appliance verifies each fragment and performs virtual IP re-assembly before the full IP packet is forwarded out.
D. The Cisco ASA appliance forwards the packet out as soon as all of the fragments of the packet have been received.
Answer: C

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CCNP Security 642-618 Practice Exam (11-15)

On Cisco ASA Software Version 8.4.1 and later, when you configure the Cisco ASA appliance in transparent firewall mode, how is the Cisco ASA management IP address configured?
A. using the IP address global configuration command
B. using the IP address GigabitEthernet 0/x interface configuration command
C. using the IP address BVI x interface configuration command
D. using the bridge-group global configuration command
E. using the bridge-group GigabitEthernet 0/x interface configuration command
F. using the bridge-group BVI x interface configuration command
Answer: C

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