700-410 would be the magic code of one’s good results. This can be the examination that leads to Cisco certification Cisco as defined additional. Nevertheless, there is also a thing that you should be watchful about. Make sure you will be current with the quiz plans and per requisites before you sign-up for your 700-410 exam. Generally Cisco certification examinations reach its expiration date right after 3 a long time. So, whenever you get the examination, make certain you fulfill all the other needs and find accredited before your training course expires. As this leads to some specialist certification, it expires after three a long time.
On average, how much time can an exclusively phone-based sales person with 250 customers spend with each customer per month?
A. 5 min
B. 22 min
C. 1h22min
D. 3h15min
Answer: B
How do you decide whether to “farm” rather than “hunt” your accounts?
A. When they have a broad spectrum of size of potential and a small share of potential
B. When you know their procurement manager
C. When they have a medium to large share of the potential & a broad spectrum of size of potential
D. When you are trying to increase revenues
Answer: A
How many hours a month can a typical sales account manager with 50 customers spend with each customer?
A. 1h20min
B. 2h10min
C. 3h35min
D. 4h
Answer: B
Your territory has 3,000 accounts. After the direct accounts are taken out, you still have 2,100 accounts in your territory. The main vertical is healthcare, where you have very little presence. The second vertical is financial services, which is a vertical you specialize in. The third vertical is manufacturing, where you have done some business. Where would you focus your efforts during the planning phase?
A. Healthcare (1,200 accounts – 10 accounts are yours)
B. Financial services (600 accounts – 100 accounts are yours)
C. Manufacturing (300 accounts – 30 accounts are yours)
D. Getting more information on size and share of potential within each vertical so I can invest my available selling time most effectively
E. All 3 verticals
Answer: D
For which type of customer do you “cast the net wide”?
A. Small to medium size of potential and small share of potential
B. Medium to high size of potential and medium share of potential
C. Large potential and large share of potential
D. Small size of potential and large share of potential
Answer: A
You are already selling into a large account in your territory. You have successfully sold a number of technologies, but you are trying to refresh & grow revenues with this customer. Which two approaches will help you to succeed? (Choose two)
A. Develop a strategy to fend off the competition
B. Determine technology refresh rates through account analytics
C. Continue to sell-in new Cisco solutions
D. Complete last year plan elements you missed out
Answer: AC
These 700-410 Cisco quiz questions and reactions in PDF are prepared by our specialist Cisco. In addition, they’re based on the advisable syllabus hiding all the 700-410 examination goals. You are going to discover their whereabouts to be very 700-410 beneficial and specific within the subject material considering all of the Cisco 700-410 vce examination content is regularly updated and possesses been checked for precision by our staff of Cisco professional professionals.